
Client Testimonials
"As the CEO of a holding company for multiple financial entities, the need for a top performer became increasingly clear as we continued our acquisition processes. A colleague I met through Leadership Atlanta recommended I meet with Dixie personally. We met for breakfast back in the late 1990’s. She managed a highly sensitive search process that resulted in hiring an outstanding assistant that was with me for ten years. When I promoted that person into an administrative management position, Dixie found another excellent performer who is with me to this day. "
"After the first time working with Dixie, she is the only recruiter I call for our senior level executive assistant positions. We ask a lot of our senior administrative staff; they function as project coordinators on steroids. On any given day our PCs are managing multiple priorities. We operate more like the corporate human resources division of a Fortune 500, scheduling massive amounts of interviews, candidate presentations, travel logistics and tracking budgets. Our staff manages a huge amount of detail and must be problem-solvers. Dixie nails it every time. "
"I was referred to Brock & Associates by one of their previous clients who had come to work for us. We were conducting a highly confidential and sensitive search for a new Chief of Staff for our CEO. We had posted on every social media platform available, screened multiple candidates, but never found anyone I felt comfortable in presenting to the CEO. He wanted a strategic thinker that would walk side-by-side with him but would also incorporate the administrative side of running his life. I can assure you, those candidates are rare in the executive support space. Dixie sent me two candidates. Both had the tangible, and intangible, skill set our CEO wanted. He actually had a difficult time choosing between them. She streamlined the process for me. My team was spending hours screening candidates that looked good on paper, but were not the fit we needed. She personally does the reference checking, puts the conversation in a presentation with the contact information, name and title of each person she speaks with, and it is part of the final candidate package. She knows her stuff."
"Dixie Brock has been a big asset to me in my role as SVP of HR. I was referred to her by a colleague during a SHRM conference. I had shared my frustration in finding strong administrative talent to support a key executive, and she told me "just call Dixie" and could even recite her phone number from memory - 404.525.2525. I felt an immediate connection with Dixie on our first phone call. She visited our offices to get a feel of the environment. She asked for examples of challenges that would cross this person's desk, the style of the executive, her eccentricities, and what I thought it would take to be successful in the role. Three candidates later, we made an offer and that person is still with us. I have recommended Dixie to many colleagues over the years…and I can also recite her phone number."
"As head of operations for several regions of a global consulting firm, I look for very bright problem-solvers in our administrative staff. While Covid has certainly reduced the amount of travel arrangements for our consultants, the demand of managing the video conferencing across multiple time zones with both external clients and internal staff, has been a big challenge. Dixie understands our business and the big picture of providing support in professional services. She just gets it. Not only do I use her for our EA hires, I refer her to any of our corporate clients searching for outstanding support staff."
Candidate Testimonials
"Working with Dixie is like having a partner in a job search. Several years ago I interviewed through her with one of the largest consulting firms in the world and she told me that the HR Director "May not always tell you what you want to hear, but she will always tell you the truth." Actually, that is how Dixie operates as well. She guides you through one of the most challenging things you can do - changing jobs - with compassion and honesty."
"Dixie is above all, the absolute BEST recruiter I have ever worked with. She is extremely rare. The difference between Dixie and all other recruiters (and I'm talking about some of the top recruiters in Atlanta), is that she gets to know every single candidate personally. She also builds unique relationships with her clients. Dixie doesn't just place a candidate with a client because the candidate is good, she spends time making sure it is the perfect fit for both the client and the candidate. That is extremely rare. The trait I love the best about Dixie is that she works with no in-between person. This is BIG! Most recruiters have the Sr. level recruiter who has the relationship with the client and corresponds directly with them. Then they have a Jr. recruiter who researches and finds candidates, but hardly know anything about the opportunity. Dixie is NOT at all like that. She puts her work in and does an absolutely stellar job. Lastly, Dixie is very responsive, knows the level of the candidate she is working with and provides honest feedback. Because after all, how can a candidate work on their mishaps if they are never told. I highly recommend Dixie over ANY OTHER recruiter in the Atlanta area."
"I was referred to Dixie several years ago. My husband and I had moved here from Ohio and he asked his employer's Chief People Officer who they use to find top administrative talent. The CPO told him Dixie is an excellent resource - and she was right. She knows the Atlanta market and was invaluable in guiding me through the interview process. I have been supporting the CFO of my employer since she placed me here in 2016. It has been a great match."
"My career as a professional executive assistant has changed dramatically over the years, and has brought changes I embrace. Dixie placed me with a CEO looking for a business partner, not just an extension of a computer. I attend meetings with him and am his liaison with direct reports. We have recently reached the $10M annual revenue mark and I feel my support assisted in achieving this milestone. "
"I prefer more of a hybrid executive assistant position that incorporates the personal component of support as well as the professional side. These are not readily available so I knew when Dixie called me, I needed to listen. This has been a great fit. It allows me to know the full picture of my executive's life, which for me, helps provide a full circle of support. I have attended family weddings, grandchildren's christenings, and collaborate with his wife in managing the family schedule. This type of position is not for everyone, but it is a perfect fit for me. When I first met with Dixie she was upfront, telling me she may not have what I wanted for six months or even longer. It took eight months, and was well-worth the wait."

We are a trusted leader in administrative staffing.
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5555 Glenridge Connector
Highlands One - Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30342
dbrock @ brockandassociates.com